DIY Experts Are Staying Busy While Staying Home With These Projects

Abigail Sawyer | 24 Mar 2020 | DIY Projects

We realize that there's a lot going on in the world right now. With so much outside we can't control, making your home feel safe, comforting, inspiring and joyful is more important than ever.

Some of us need to eliminate the to-do list to feel at peace, but for others, improving our homes, rearranging furniture and working with our hands can function as a distraction and form of meditation. If you fall into the second camp, we polled some of our favorite home decor and DIY experts to see what projects they're working on while staying inside their homes.

What Projects Are on Your To-Do List While You’re Staying Home?

"Right now I have more time on my hands since we are quarantined at home, so the majority of my time is being spent planning for bigger projects.  (We are currently right in the middle of renovating our home.) I’m sourcing fabrics online, planning for furniture reupholstery, sourcing tile for bathrooms and kitchen, really everything that goes into planning for a home renovation that is possible to do from my laptop." - Claire Brody

woman taking photo of home decor mood board from above

Photo via Claire Brody

"I've been meaning to paint the ceilings in some of our rooms, it seems like a great time to get on that project." - Liz Kamarul

"We just had new flooring installed which led us to adding board and batten, door frames, and baseboards to most of the house, so we will be doing a lot of prepping & painting during this time. I’ve also made plans to paint our fireplace as well as giving our kitchen cabinets a fresh coat of white." - Brooke Morales

kids art storage in cabinets under kitchen island

Photo via Lovely Indeed

"While we're home, we're planning on doing lots of extra organizing in our closets and drawers!  Our kids' art cabinet is currently a mess, so we're planning on getting it under control. That way they can have easy access to their supplies, which will help us fill our days with activities." - Chelsea Foy of Lovely Indeed

"It's the perfect time to go ahead and tackle my purging and organization projects like going through all the closets, the pantry, and other cabinets that need tidying up. The room that's going to be getting the most attention is our guest/catch-all room. I opened the closet in there the other day, and like a comedy, things fell out on top of me as soon as the door swung open." - Shelley Westerman of Crazy Wonderful

toddler and mom playing in plastic tub at kitchen table

Photo via Studio DIY

"Too many to count! Since we have our now 3-year-old son home with us, our days have become filled with endless craft activities and creative projects to keep all of us entertained. We also both work for ourselves so making sure that we keep a daily schedule set up to be on top of emails and meetings and deadlines is helping bring a semblance of normalcy to this (temporary) new normal!" - Jeff and Kelly Mindell of Studio DIY

"I'm in dire need of organizing the garage and walk-in pantry, so fingers crossed I can make do with what organizational supplies we currently have!" - Ashely Rose of Sugar and Cloth

What Are Some Other Projects People Can Accomplish While at Home?

"Because paint is my go-to for any project that would be my recommendation for what to use that you have on hand. People usually have some spare paint lying around. Why not try creating a mural!" - Liz Kamarul

bedroom with mint green wall, dark floral wallpaper and plantation shutters opened

Photo via Liz Kamarul

"Purge and organize your closets, redecorate areas you're not loving by shopping your house and moving things from room to room, cut flowers or greenery from your yard to liven and cheer up your home, power wash or hose off outdoor spaces and furnishings to get them ready for Spring, and pull out your touch up paint to freshen up spots on your walls or baseboards." - Shelley Westerman of Crazy Wonderful

"Paint projects! I know I have gallons and gallons of unused paint in my garage from past projects.  Get started on those paint projects that stay on the back burner." - Claire Brody

diy paver patio in corner of backyard

Photo via Lovely Indeed

"Creating an outdoor space in your own backyard is crucial right now, to get fresh air + Vitamin D despite being sheltered in place. This DIY brick paver patio we created is insanely easy, and a good use for those bricks or pavers you have laying around. It'll just take a day or two!" - Chelsea Foy of Lovely Indeed

"We have really been using this time to get things done around the house that we couldn't find the time to do beforehand. We've been working on cleaning up our backyard, organizing closets and hanging art that we hadn't found a spot for yet! Friends of ours decided to repaint a room, just for fun! The possibilities are endless if you take a look around and get creative." - Jeff and Kelly Mindell of Studio DIY

diy geometric cork painted coasters

"If you want a SUPER easy and cozy DIY project, my DIY essential oil diffusers and coasters are always a hit." - Ashley Rose of Sugar and Cloth

"Rearrange your living room or bedroom to give them a fresh new look. Organize your pantry, drawers, and cupboards (this is at the top of my list.) If you have leftover paint from a previous project, try filling in any holes/touching up paint around the house where needed to give your home a fresh/clean feel." - Brooke Morales

Are You Planning to Pick Up Any New Skills or Habits During Your Time at Home?

"During our time at home, we're planning on scaling down and simplifying. No new skills for us - we just want to use these weeks to deepen our family connection and demonstrate for our kids the abundance of things there are to do, right in our own home." - Chelsea Foy of Lovely Indeed

mothers and kids having picnic in backyard

Photo via Lovely Indeed

"It's very interesting where the mind takes you when under constraint, creative or otherwise. Kelly has a passion for sewing (went to fashion school for a couple years!) and hopes to dust off her sewing machine and work on something just for fun. Jeff decided he is going to try and learn acoustic guitar! He ordered one on Amazon and is excited to get started with online lessons." - Jeff and Kelly Mindell of Studio DIY

"I’m considering a pretty intensive paint project (to me). I’m thinking about painting stripes in my daughter’s room!" - Claire Brody

dark green bathroom with white cabinets

Photo via Liz Kamarul

"I may try and attempt to do some tiling over the next few weeks. Watching a lot of YouTube videos prior to that to learn the skills." - Liz Kamarul

"I plan to continue my new habit of being present and enjoying the little things in life. It can be so difficult to do this with the busyness life brings. I’m enjoying this slow pace while it last." - Brooke Morales

making pillow with sewing machine

Photo via Sugar and Cloth

"I've been saying I'm going to sharpen my rudimentary sewing skills for about 10 years now, so I'd say it's due time to seize the opportunity! Ha!" - Ashley Rose of Sugar and Cloth

"I'm struggling with this initially because I want to be up to date with the news and happenings as things unfold, but I want to put down my phone more and enjoy everyday moments with my family.  Just watching the kids play or to be completely undistracted when they say, 'watch this!' instead of me saying, 'hang on.'" - Shelley Westerman of Crazy Wonderful

  • About Author

    Abigail Sawyer is the Manager of Social Media Marketing for She's a home improvement junkie who is currently restoring a 1972 cottage with the help of her husband and goldendoodle, Biscuit. Walking in the footsteps of Martha Stewart, she’s happiest when she’s crafting or whipping up a new recipe; although nothing beats curling up with a good book and some Girl Scout Cookies. Follow her on twitter + instagram at @whatabigailsaw