If you love the look of woven wood shades, but aren't ready to make a big investment, SouthSeas Faux Woven Roller Shades should definitely be on your radar. Launched in late August, they expertly combine the natural look of woven wood shades with the convenience of a roller shade using digitally printed, textured woven patterns.
Pictured: SouthSeas Faux Woven Roller Shade in Aloha Palm
Pictured: SouthSeas Faux Woven Roller Shade in Aloha Palm
"[They] give the look of a natural woven wood shade without the bulk and for a more affordable price point. [They're] great for larger windows where traditional woven shades could get heavy or cumbersome to operate," says Blinds.com Design Consultant Whitney Fenton.
The collection features 20 different designs, ranging from bright, luminescent pearls to warm, earthy coconut and mahogany shades.
Pictured: SouthSeas Faux Woven Light Filtering Roller Shades in Honu Olive
"I like these because they roll into themselves and are very sleek. I had a client that was going with boho decor and she loved them," says Blinds.com Design Consultant Michael Steen.
While the price tag is arguably what many find attractive, the real beauty of the roller shades is having the textured look of woven wood shades without dealing with any of the hassle that comes with maintaining them.
Pictured: SouthSeas Faux Woven Roller Shades in Enele Pearl
"The vinyl does have some texturing to support the woven wood look. However, since these are roller shades, there is no concern of warping, color change, or fraying that occasionally occur in a woven wood shade," says Blinds.com Product Marketing Manager Bonnie Tyler.
Pictured: SouthSeas Faux Woven Roller Shades in Aloha Palm
Streamline your Space
Pictured: SouthSeas Faux Woven Blackout Roller Shades in Wiki Hazelnut
If minimalistic design speaks to you, adding Faux Woven Roller Shades to a room is a simple way of achieving that desired look. Their clean lines and focus on functionality aid in creating the sleek, modern design that's taking over your Instagram feed.
Pictured: SouthSeas Faux Woven Roller Shades in Hani Pearl
Versatile in nature, Faux Woven Roller Shades look great in structured settings like an office or relaxed spaces like the living room. They are equipped with a spring-loaded continuous cord loop lift with cordless and cordless wand options, allowing you to stop the shade in any position for maximum control. Made with privacy in mind, the shades are available in light-filtering or blackout fabrics, while featuring a solid-to-the-street back color for a consistent look.
Pictured: SouthSeas Faux Woven Blackout Roller Shades in Aloha Palm
What do you think?
Now that you've seen our new SouthSeas Faux Woven Roller Shades, which one best fits your style? Let us know your thoughts. Join the conversation over on our Instagram @blindsdotcom. Also be sure to follow us on Pinterest for endless color and design trend inspiration.