Mystique Installation Instructions

1. Unpacking

Mystique will arrive at the same time as the vertical track and PVC. It will be packaged in a separate carton approximately 12" wide by 48" long and 2" deep. (See Fig. 1)

As you unpack the sheer, you will notice it is wrapped in a plastic bag. Take great care not to damage the sheer when opening the plastic. You will notice that the sheer valance sleeve is attached to the plastic cover in its own plastic bag.

It is important to check at this point that the edges of the PVC slats have been cut with rounded corners. This will ensure the PVC does not snag the sheer fabric during installation. If the edges are not rounded, stop and return the material to the manufacturer.

2. Installation

Install the vertical track and PVC slats as normal. Then, it will be helpful to gather the sheer fabric over your shoulder. This will ensure that you are taking the weight of the fabric. Otherwise there will be a lot of stress on the sewn hem during the installation of the first few vanes, which may cause some puckering of the fabric. Please note that it is not necessary to take the vanes off the track to install your Mystique Vertical Sheers.

When the Mystique is shipped to you, all of the snaps are attached to each other. It is very important that you unsnap the rear snap only, not the front snap (See Fig. 2). This will make the Mystique easier to install. The front snap forms a small fabric pocket, or ledge, for you to position the sheer on the vinyl vanes.

Face the fabric vertical blind and make sure the vanes are tilted open and are perpindicular to the window. To determine the front of the Mystique drapery, make sure that the drapery pockets are facing forward and the folds that join each pocket are closest to the window. (See Fig. 3)

To attach the sheer drapery to the vinyl vanes, begin with the first vane on the right hand side of the blind. Locate the first snap pocket on the right hand side of the drapery. Ensure you do not snap the front snap, as the ledge formed by the front snap goes over the front corner of the vinyl vane. Ensure the back snap is unsnapped and wrap the sheer around the top of the vane and connect the snap at the back to complete the first vane. (See Figs. 4 and 5)

Continue the same process for the rest of the pockets. (See Figs. 6 and 7)

You may now begin to insert the PVC vanes into their respective pockets at the bottom of the sheer. It is recommended that you bend the slat enough to allow for the insertion into the pocket. Take care to ensure you do not snag any of the stitching on the bottom hem of the sheer. (See Fig. 8)

3. Center Split Draw Installation

On split draw sheers, the two anes that meet in the center of the blind are constructed to eliminate any light gap. Specifically, the two center sheer pockets have added pleats which overlap when drawn together in the open vane position. To ensure proper installation, locate the ends of the sheers with the extra pleat and position them in the center of the blind. There are adjustments that may need to be made to the track to help the vanes come as close together as possible.

4. Valance Installation

a.) The valance insert will be packaged together with the sheer fabric.
b.) Slide the fabric valance insert all the way into the PVC valance profile.
c.) Insert the corner pieces of the valance and attach the returns. The corner pieces of the valance profile will meet perfectly.
d.) When you attach the valance returns you can insert the fabric returns. You should have excess fabric insert. Just cut off the excess, leaving an inch on each side and fold this around the return, threading the fabric into the PVC profile at the back.

5. Inspection

It is important to ensure that all the vanes are seated properly in their pockets and on the carriers. You can check ths by ensuring the sheer pockets are all at the same height and the bottom of the sheer is parallel with the floor or sill.

Check that the vanes rotate, close and draw correctly. Any minor wrinkles that may appear as a result of packaging should hang out over the next 1 or 2 days. In the unlikely event that any wrinkles appear more severe, a hand steamer can be used.