makes it easy to install new shades. Follow our How to Install Roman Shades guide for step-by-step instructions.

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Tools You Will Need

  • Steel Measuring Tape
  • Pencil
  • Level tool
  • Step ladder (if necessary)
  • Screwdriver or power drill (with ¼” hex driver and drill bit)
  • Hammer

Helpful Hints Before You Begin Installing Roman Shades:

  • Carefully unpack your shades and all mounting hardware.
  • Familiarize yourself with the contents of the box and ensure all installation hardware is included.

How to Install Inside Mount Roman Shades

If you measured for inside mount Roman Shades, follow these simple installation steps:

  1. Insert your brackets into the holes in the headrail and mark the locations with a pencil.
  2. Hold the bracket in place of each pencil mark, with about ¼ inch of space between the bracket and the edge of the window casing. Mark the screw locations with a pencil.
  3. Use a steel measuring tape or level tool to ensure the brackets are straight.
  4. To make it easier to fasten your screws, create starter holes by tapping a screw with a hammer or using a drill bit.
  5. Screw the brackets securely into place.
  6. Install your head rail by hooking the front of the bracket and rolling back to snap into place.
  7. Test your new shades. Pull them slowly to ensure even movement across the shades, and test the stopping feature so that your shades can be adjusted exactly how you want them.

How to Install Outside Mount Roman Shades

If you measured for outside mount Roman shades, follow these simple installation steps:

  1. Locate the slots in the head rail and insert the bracket bolts through the slots.
  2. Hold the headrail in place where the shades will be mounted and mark the tops of the brackets. Make sure the shades are centered and level. Mark the tops of the brackets with a pencil.
  3. Take the brackets off the headrail and hold them up to the marks. Make new marks for the locations of the screw holes.
  4. To make it easier to fasten your screws, create starter holes by tapping a screw with a hammer or using a drill bit. Fasten the screws securely into place.
  5. Mount the shade by fitting the bracket bolts back through the slots on the top of the headrail and secure with the wingnuts.
  6. Test your new shades. Pull them slowly to ensure even movement across the shades, and test the stopping feature so that your shades can be adjusted exactly how you want them.

Manufacturer Specific Instructions Instructions

Bali Instructions

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